Immigration & Working Passes
We offer to help you with seamless integration and immigration of your employees into Singapore.
Requirements for an EP
To apply for a Singapore employment pass, you will need to have a Singapore company make the application for you. The Ministry of Manpower is the Singapore Goverment authority that issues all workpasses. The quickest way to apply for this pass is through the EP Online system. For this to happen, a Singapore company needs to have an EP Online account. The company then needs to submit the application through this system.
For information regarding the qualifying criteria, please refer to this link.
Once submitted, from experience, it takes at least about 3 weeks for passes to be processed. In some cases, the processing time may be significantly longer, depending on various factors.
Save from the EP, Carnelian manages end-to-end applications for other MOM passes (e.g. Personalised Employment Pass/PEP, Letter of Consent/LOC), dependant passes (Dependant's Pass/DP & Long Term Visit Pass/LTVP).